早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





A man came home from work late tired and irritated(生气的 不耐烦的) to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.

“Daddy may I ask you a question?”

“Yeah sure what is it?”replied the man.

“Daddy how much do you make an hour?”

“That’s none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?” the man said angrily.

“I just want to know. Please tell me how much do you make an hour?” pleaded the little boy.

“If you must know I make $ 20 an hour.”

“Oh ” the little boy replied with his head down. Looking up he said “Daddy may I please borrow $ 10?”

The father was furious(生气的) “If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard every day for such childish behavior.” The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so the man had calmed down and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 10 and he really didn’t ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door. “Are you asleep son?” He asked.

“No daddy I’m awake ” replied the boy.

“I’ve been thinking maybe I was too hard on you earlier ” said the man. “It’s been a long day and I took out my aggravation(怒气)on you. Here’s the $10 you asked for.”

The little boy sat straight up smiling. “Oh thank you daddy!”He yelled. Then reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled(皱皱巴巴的)up bills. The man seeing that the boy already had money started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money then looked up at his father.

“Why do you want more money if you already have some?” the father grumbled.

“Because I didn’t have enough but now I do ” the little boy replied.

“Daddy I have $ 20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow.

I would like to have dinner with you.”

45. When the man came home from work late he______.

A. was tired but happy

B. was tired and angry at his son’s question

C. was tired but happy to find his son waiting for him at the door

D. was tired and angry to find his son waiting for him at the door

46. The little boy asked the question ______.

A. because he wanted to have dinner with his father

B. in order to borrow some money from his father to buy something

C. because he wanted to buy a toy

D. because he was just curious to know

47. After an hour or so the man went to the little boy’s room and ______.

A. saw if the boy was asleep

B. asked him what he needed to buy with that $ 10

C. said sorry to his son

D. gave $10 to his son

48. From this passage we can infer that ______.

A. the boy would like to have dinner with his father

B. the boy often asked for money to buy some nonsense

C. the boy loved his father very much

D. the man would get even angrier at last


答案  45-48 BADC

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