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英语翻译 5句话 高手来1,你想出最后这道题的做法了吗? 2. 我和你说话就像在跟自己孩子说话一样 3.我把家里和办公室的电话号码都给了他,这样他就可以每天给我打电话了。 4.我不知道阿道夫会亲自接见我,还是会像我父亲那样拒绝我 5.昨天我给你打了好几次电话,但是都没有打通。
1. Have you figured out the way to do this last question? 2. Me talking to you is just like talking to my own children. 3. I gave him my home and office number, so he could ring me everyday. 4. I don't know whether Adolf would come and pick me up, or he would refuse me like my father. 5. I phoned you several times, but no one answered.