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3.参考词汇:pavilion展馆    security inspection安检  res erve for预约
Some tips for visiting Shanghai Expo
Looking around the Shanghai Expo Site is not so easy to the visitors, although Shanghai Expo is going well now. Transportation, formalities of access, food and drink should be the first for you to consider. Here are some tips for you.

Some tips for visiting Shanghai Expo
Looking around the Shanghai Expo Site is not so easy to the visitors, although Shanghai Expo is going well now. Transportation, formalities of access, food and drink should be the first for you to consider. Here are some tips for you.
Firstly, take the expo special nonstop subway. You may enter the Madang Road subway station with the expo ticket and take the special nonstop subway which is No.13 for free after passing the security inspection.
Secondly, reserve for your visiting. You need to reserve for the access to several pavilions, including China pavilion. You’d better get to the expo entry early and pass the security inspection, otherwise, perhaps a long line is waiting for you.
Thirdly, bring some snacks with you. You might have to be in a long line waiting to eat in a restaurant at meal times. So it is wise to eat some snacks to avoid suffering hunger.
Fourthly, buy some water or drinks after entering the site. Since you are not allowed to take any water or drinks into the site, you’d better find a store to buy some.
In general, I do hope you will enjoy your visit to Shanghai Expo.


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