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谁能帮忙翻译歌词啊~!谢谢celtic woman 的新专辑the greatest journey里面有一首歌曲很好听叫the call 真的很棒~我找歌词找了很辛苦~昨天在朋友的帮助下找到了~很兴奋~··能不能有哪位高手可以帮忙翻译一下呢?不要直译的~要意译的~!下面是歌词:Sometimes in this life we hear Calling from somewhere Sometimes it is loud and clear Sometimes it's so softly there Sometimes it is in the sea Sometimes in the sky Sometimes it's in you and me Sometimes it's a cry Open your heart I am calling you Right from the very start Your wounded heart was calling, too Open your arms You will find the answer When you answer to the Call Sometimes it is in desire Or in the love we fear When the call is calling us 'Till the fear will disappear When we have no dance to dance The call is in the song When we have no voice to sing Then the call is calling strong Open your heart I am calling you Right from the very start Your wounded heart was calling, too Open your arms You will find the answer When you answer to the Call Open your heart I am calling you Right from the very start Your wounded heart was calling, too Open your arms You will find the answer When you answer to the Call Open your heart, your heart And you will find the answer To the Call!
Sometimes in this life we hear 有时候我们在生命的旅途中听见来自某处的呼喊 Calling from somewhere Sometimes it is loud and clear 有时候它很响亮很清晰 Sometimes it's so softly there 有时候它又是那么地轻柔 Sometimes it is in the sea 有时候这个声音徜徉在大海里 Sometimes in the sky 有时候又飞翔于蓝天上 Sometimes it's in you and me 有时候它就在你我之间 Sometimes it's a cry 有时候它又会化作哭声 Open your heart 敞开你的心扉 I am calling you 我在呼喊你的名字 Right from the very start 恰好是从最开始的时候 Your wounded heart was calling, too 你受伤的心也在呼喊 Open your arms 展开你的怀抱 You will find the answer 你将会找到答案 When you answer to the Call 当你在回应这个呼喊的时候(你将会找到答案) Sometimes it is in desire 有时候它就在我们所恐惧的欲望和爱之中 Or in the love we fear When the call is calling us 这个声音会一直呼喊我们直至我们的恐惧消失 'Till the fear will disappear When we have no dance to dance 当我们的舞步停止,呼喊恰在歌声之中 The call is in the song When we have no voice to sing 当我们的歌声变得无声无息,呼喊反而变得更强 Then the call is calling strong Open your heart敞开你的心扉 I am calling you 我在呼喊你的名字 Right from the very start恰好是从最开始的时候 Your wounded heart was calling, too你受伤的心也在呼喊 Open your arms展开你的怀抱 You will find the answer 你将会找到答案 When you answer to the Call当你在回应这个呼喊的时候(你将会找到答案) Open your heart 敞开你的心扉 I am calling you我在呼喊你的名字 Right from the very start恰好是从最开始的时候 Your wounded heart was calling, too 你受伤的心也在呼喊 Open your arms 展开你的怀抱 You will find the answer你将会找到答案 When you answer to the Call当你在回应这个呼喊的时候(你将会找到答案) Open your heart, your heart敞开你的心扉,你的心扉 And you will find the answer你将会找到呼喊地答案 To the Call!

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