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写一篇不少于70字的英语作文! 现在很多学生忙于学习,而很少帮助家长做家务,你是怎么看待这种现象的
Nowadays many students say they are too busy with their study and they don’t have time to help their parents with the housework.I don’t think they are true,that’s all excuses.
In my opinion,doing some housework such as washing our own clothes and making the bed is our own responsibility.It can also make us independent.We can’t depend on others all our life.Sharing the housework is helpful for us to set up good relationship with our parents.I think trying to do some housework can keep us healthy and strong,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.And we can take care of ourselves better when we grow up.
On weekdays,I often help my parents clean my bed rooms every morning and wash dishes after supper.At weekends,washing clothes and mopping the floor is my duty.And I also help my parents carry something heavy from the supermarket.
As the saying goes’ One can't make a big success without being self reliant’,so I think that students should often share the housework in our daily life.

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