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Brife Introduction of Guilin

Locates in the southern province of Guangxi, Guilin is a beautiful city with long history that evokes the fabled China of old. Surrounded by jagged mountains of limestone covered with lush evergreen foliage, the scenery of this charming city is reminiscent of an ancient Chinese scroll painting. The city itself, with over 2000 years of history, straddles the lovely Li River, and is home to some delightful examples of traditional Chinese architecture.

Guilin is made even more striking by the imposing Solitary Beauty Peak, a jungle-clad pinnacle that rises dramatically from the center of the city. Nearly 400 stone steps lead to the summit where a view of unparalleled grandeur awaits. A relaxing way to take in Guilin's sights at a leisurely pace is by taking a one day long cruise on the Lijiang River from Guilin to Yangshuo, a picturesque town that has become a popular destination in itself.

Guilin's gentle climate is famed throughout China, making the town the perfect base to explore the many natural wonders to be found in the surrounding countryside. The picturesque peaks of limestone, so stunning from a distance, are even more mysterious up close, as they are riddled with countless caves and caverns - some with ancient inscriptions and works of sculpture carved into their walls. Whether you're an aficionado of natural or cultural wonders, Guilin will not make you disappointed.

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