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泰安市是中国山东省中部一座著名的文化旅游城市,境内的泰山是国家级重点风景名胜区,1982年被国务院列为第一批对外开放旅游城市.泰安是一座历史文化名城 5 000多年前形成了繁荣的大汶口文化;公元前200年(西汉初)设“泰山郡”,公元1136年(金天会十四年)设“泰安郡”.泰安一名取自“泰山安则四海皆安”,取意国泰民安.在2003年全国首次中华名山推选活动中,泰山荣登“中华十大名山”榜首,2006年泰山又获得“世界地质公园”称号
泰安市是中国山东省中部一座著名的文化旅游城市,境内的泰山是国家级重点风景名胜区,1982年被国务院列为第一批对外开放旅游城市.泰安是一座历史文化名城 5 000多年前形成了繁荣的大汶口文化;公元前200年(西汉初)设“泰山郡”,公元1136年(金天会十四年)设“泰安郡”.泰安一名取自“泰山安则四海皆安”,取意国泰民安.在2003年全国首次中华名山推选活动中,泰山荣登“中华十大名山”榜首,2006年泰山又获得“世界地质公园”称号
Taishan is a famous cultural tourism city in the middle of Shandong Province,China,with the national key scenic spot,Taishan inside.It was listed as one of the first open tourism cities by the State Council in 1982,Tai'an is a historic cultural ancient city with palmy Dawenkou culture over 5000 years ago.The Taishan Prefecture and the Tai'an Prefecture was respectively established in BC 200 & in 1136 (Tianhui 14th of Jin period).The name,Tai'an,was from "The stablization of Taishan means the that of the world",with moral of "peaceful people and prosperous country".Taishan ranked the first in the 1st National Famous Mountains Selection activities in 2003.In 2006 Taishan was awarded the honor of "World Geopark" .
As an ancient and cultural city,Tai'an enjoys an unique advantage and condtion in developing tourism.Under the high emphasis of Shangdong Provincial government,the atmosphere of greatly developing tourism has formed.We should gradually establish large Taishan tourism circle,fully maintain the dominant status of Taishan in tourism industry,explore new projects and improve the savour and quality of projects,to attract more tourists to travel in Taishan and to drive economic development in Taishan area.