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Dear Lucy.
I am very happy to receive your letter in which you ask about Chinese Moon Festival. Let me tell you briefly about it.
It is on the 15th of the 8th lunar month. At this time of the year, it is just in the middle of the autumn that is why it is also translated as the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the 15th day, there is a full moon. Chinese people always consider that the moon is the most perfect than any other days of the year.
The Moon Festival is an occasion for family reunions. The full moon the symbol of the happiness for the whole family. When the moon rises, families get together and watch the moon, eat moon cakes and fruits that are in season.
Moon cake is the traditional food for the occasion. They are normal round in shape which ensemble the shape of the moon.
My family celebrates the Moon Festival each year with my parents, grandparents and my sister. When we watch the moon, we eat the moon cake and my sister and I would recite some classic poems and my grandma would tell the legendry story of the beautiful woman called Chang Er who flew to the moon.
I hope that one day you come to China and the time of the Moon Festival and I believe that you will have a great time to experience Chinese culture.
Yours truly,
Li Hua

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