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The”supernatural” cognition of the Easterners and Westerners is determined by their specific living environment, growing-up process and religious belief. Take Easterners for instance, as superstition has already been a part and parcel of their lives, most of them are convinced of the existence of ghosts. As for those youngsters born in the eighties and the nineties, when confronted with the issue of whether there are ghosts in the real world, they were more concerned with the ghosts that had appeared in works of literature. Influenced by these works, they generally believed that ghosts exist in places such as hospitals and schools, and ghosts are afraid of light. On the other side, Westerners do not believe in ghosts due to the deep impact of religious influence. As regard to the question of whether they are afraid of ghosts during the investigation, interestingly, the Westerners who are non-believers of ghosts had demonstrated more fear to this supernatural existence than Easterners.
Regarding the issue of afterlife, Easterners and Westerners had responded with radically different answers. Most Easterners believed in afterlife, but most Westerners' answers had opted for "no" or "not sure" about afterlife.
Even though the supernatural phenomenon is usually associated with apparition, horror and full of unknown, but these cannot hold back people from being captivated and attracted toward “supernatural”. It is an integral part of the process of cultural development irrespective of whether it is in the East or West. Westerners write novels and make movies about supernatural, while Easterners scrupulously abide by the sacrificial festivals of “ghosts”. We do not attempt to convince you the existence or non-existence of ghosts by this investigation; instead, we try to demonstrate the far-reaching impact of this captivating element of “supernatural” on the Eastern and Western cultures, as well as the various differences of the “supernatural” culture between the East and West.

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