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Hi,everybody ,today I'm going to give you a speech ,the topic of which is "The Benefits of military life ".
Military academy is different from local universities,and many behavior is forbidden by rules. We are not only the contemporary university student, but also soldiers,and we take resoisibilities of the historical mission of protecting our country for safe and providing people's a peace life.So I think,to fully realize the benefits of military academy life, can help us adapt to military academy life and achieve our goals of life.
The benefits of military academy life is as follow:
Firstly,it can help us develop a healthy lifestyle and keep thealthy. Nowadays, the lifestyle of many students are irregular, unscientific.They always stay up late,and don't have breakfast.Therefor, some detrimental diseases trouble them. While military academy life force us to follow a regular lifestyle, making us to be pioneer in our peers.
Secondly, it makes us exercise frequently,so that promote the metabolism. Comparing with many young who wouldn't like doing exercises, our body don't lack of exercises.
Thirdly, it can give us a strongwill.During military trainings, perhaps we may get injury,be criticized, but we can achieve honor.we can learn endure, accepting criticism and work for honor. Although those things in our life is not the most important ones to us, but we can not ignore that the process can practise our will .
Anyhow, military life has many benefits. the key is to take it into consideration and to experience.
Finally I wish you a full military college life.

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