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One day,the wind starts an argument with the sun.''I'm much stronger than you are.'' says the wind.''No,''answers the sun,''I'm much stronger than you are.''
When they are arguing,they see a man walking down the road.He is wearing a heavy coat.the sun says to the wind,''Now let's see which of us can make the man take off his coat.Then we will know who is stronger.''
First the sind tries.He begins to blow very hard.He blows very hard and the man pulls his coat qround him.the wind is angry with the man.Then the wind says to the sun,''Now it's you turn.Let me see if you can make him take off his coat.''
The sun begins to shine on the man.Soon it gets very hot!The man takes off his coat.
One day,the( )starts an argunment with the ( ).
The wind thinks he is ( ) ( )the sun.
When they are arguing,they see a man ( )down the road and ( )a heavy coat.
The wind can't( )the man ( )off his coat.
The sun is stronger ( )the wind.
He is the ( ).
()It is winter.
()One day,the wind starts an argunment with a man
()The wind and the sun want to know who is stronger by making the man take off his coat.
()The wind is stronger than the sun.
()The sun is angry with the man because he can'tmake the man take off his coat.

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