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1. 绝大部分青少年吸烟者认为吸烟显得很酷,也不会马上对身体产生危害,只要在危害到来之前戒掉就是了。

2. 请你驳斥这种观点,应包含以下信息:吸烟浪费金钱,浑身气味,牙齿肮脏,上瘾会致癌,患心、肺疾病;冒丧命之险追求时髦没有益处;戒烟要抓紧时间。

3. 提出一些帮助人们戒烟的建议(至少60词)。


Smoking is Not Cool and Quit Now

A Possible Version Smoking is Not Cool and Quit Now Most young smokers say smoking is cool and doesn't hurt us right now. People can just stop before it gets dangerous. But in my opinion smoking is not cool at all. In addition to the waste of money smoking makes you smell bad and makes your teeth dirty. Being addicted to cigarettes will poison your body with cancer causing by-products. Dying of lung and heart disease or cancer won't promote your popularity. Don't quit until it's too late—smoking begins to damage your body the moment you start. To quit you should first set a date and quit COMPLETELY on that day. Then find out the times you are most likely to smoke and make a plan about what you'll do instead of smoking at those times. For example take a walk when feeling stressed. Take exercises to resist the desire to smoke. Let your friends give you a help reminding you if necessary.

正确认识青春期的问题和特点,才能走好青春路。为此,某校八年级(1)班,以“青春”为话题展开了一系列  2020-05-13 …

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对于青春,请谈谈你的看法?有人说青春是一颗划破天宇的流星,虽然绚烂却和短暂;也有人说青春是一棵常青  2020-06-17 …

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艾青评传中艾青作为一位诗人,无疑是取得了巨大成功试分析它成为主要原因,并  2020-12-12 …

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