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  据报道,某市某学校禁止女教师化妆上课。请你根据下表所提供的消息,以“Tell our teachers to dress up”为主题,给报社写一封信,将你们的辩论看法告诉报社。



  注意:1.信的开头已为你写好。2.词数:100左右。3.参考词汇:1打扮 dress up;2化妆 wear makeup;3分散 distract;4形象 appearance。



Tell Our Teachers to Dress Up?

  Dear Editor

  I'm writing to tell you about the subject we have discussed whether our teachers should dress up or not.

  In our class there are two different opinions on the question. Two-thirds of the students don't agree that teachers wear makeup. They think our teachers should be strict with themselves not only in knowledge but also in their appearance. Teachers are the engineers of the human soul. If they wear makeup like an actress it will distract students' attention. If we pay too much attention to teachers' appearances we won't put our heart and soul into our studies. If our teachers dress up properly they will look more beautiful and graceful.

  On the other hand one-third of the students think it is unfair for the teachers. Teachers are also common people. They should have the right to enjoy the things that common people do. Everyone loves looking beautiful or handsome teachers included. In my opinion if our teachers feel happy with makeup they will feel happy in working.

Yours truly

Li Hua


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