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Being passionate,honest and hard-working,a good student is always listening and learning.Personally speaking,I strongly believe that honesty is of utmost importance among dozens of good qualities.
          There is a proverb that goes‘Honesty is the best policy',and it seems as true as it was when first coined.The most important element in human relationships,whether business or personal,is trust.
         Here is one of my secrets.I once lied to my parents because of my poor scores.Having known the real fact from teachers,they praised and encouraged me,showing their deep love.Later days,my conscience swallowed me,growing as I told lie after lie in an effort to conceal my original deceit.I gave it up,and chose to be frank.Wow!It is better to stick to the truth!
            From then on,I have kept the following in my minds:If it is not true,don't say it.If it is not right,don't do it.Honesty is not only the best policy,but also a principle,which is absolutely essential for the good and happy living of life.

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