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我是做冷藏车箱体进出口的,以下是客户在即将给我下15套箱体订单的时候突然来得邮件,大致意思我明白,但是其中的个别单词诸如“subframe”和“runner profile"是指什么?“subframe”可以指“副梁”吗?原邮件如下:I have order for first 15 pcs of body on my table now.I wish send it today but we do not know exactly how many pcs of these boxes you can load to standard container 40 foots.We mean that if you make subframe not together - the runners are separately,you can load to this container of 15 sets of body.We will send today a drawing of this subframe (our idea only,we do not know what is your standard for runner profile with regard to your connecting of this subframe with floor panel).Could we have your opinion please?
subframe应该是指副车架,runner profile应该是指车厢底部的用于装卸货物的滚子的剖面.