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你是一个遇事总爱抱怨的人吗?你是不是总会为自己的失败找寻借口?如果是这样,那么你应该立刻停止抱怨,开始为自己的生活负责任.因为一个成功的人首先一定是一个敢于负责任的人.请以"Take Responsibility for Your life"为题,写一篇120词左右的短文.
 关键词:责任responsibility  抱怨 complain   借口excuse
Take Responsibility for Your Life
     Are you always blaming others for things that don't go exactly the way you want?高分句型一 Are you making excuses for goals unmet or tasks that missed your deadlines?If that is what you are,stop it,and start to take responsibility for your life.引出话题
     Taking responsibility does a lot of good to your life.Only by taking responsibility  can you take a clearer look at yourself,set more achievable goals,and make more detailed plans高分句型二.Those who are responsible for their lives are always ready to put their thoughts into action and thus good consequences are most likely to follow.In contrast,avoiding responsibility will block your way of going ahead.Those who like seeking excuses tend to waste their time on unnecessary complaints and miss the essential part of the matter they are dealing with.So great success is never expected to visit such individuals.负责任的好处以及逃避责任的坏处
    Taking responsibility is actually just a matter of decision,and it's you yourself and no one else who can make it for you.Please go into action right here,right now and take responsibility for your life.呼吁读者作出正确的选择

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