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为了丰富同学们的课外生活,高一年级举行了篮球比赛。假如你是来自高一年级 A 班的一名学生,上个星期五你和你班的同学一起去观看了你们班和 C 班的一场比赛,请描述你在篮球场观看比赛时发生的一件事,并谈谈你的感想。

注意: 1. 词数不少于 120 词。

2. 作文中不得提及同学真实姓名以及所在班级真实名称。

词汇:课外生活: extracurricular life   裁判: referee   篮球场: basketball court








In order to enrich us students’ extracurricular life our Senior Grade 1 decided to hold a basketball match in the basketball court. Last Friday there was a game between Class A and Class C. As a student from Class A I went with my classmates to cheer up our basketball players. It started at 1:00 after lunch after a whistle blown by the referee. The players from both teams tried their best to catch the ball and attempted to win points. As the game became fiercer and fiercer the audience could not control their excitement. They stood up with loud cheers.

   Suddenly when a player from Class C intended to stop our class players from delivering the ball he knocked down a boy called David by accident. David lay on the ground and seemed to be hurt badly. At that moment the player from Class C stopped playing and rushed to help him. Everyone in the audience was shocked and moved by the scene. From the game I realized the true meaning of “Friendship First Competition Second”.

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