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Piggy bank my beloved
A jar sitting in my room on the windowsill, pig shape, funny and lovely, I named it "Lulu". It is my most beloved baby. It let me know that many a little make a mickle and the importance of adherence.
Dad buy Lulu for me in my primary school the first grade , wishing I could spend my own "pocket money" well for forming the good habit of frugality.
This whole white "pig" has a head of two pointed ears ,with a pair of small round black eyes,the two small nostrils on the nose,four short stout legs below.I like her big round "belly" most, which seems to hold a lot of "food".
Dropping the coin into the pig jar ,hearing "Dang" sound, I was so happy. I thought I finally have my own first savings. Usually, mom and dad gave me pocket money.I'm not willing to spend them, putting them into the pig's "stomach", feeling the piggy jar smiling more happily. As I put more and more pocket money, pig's "stomach" drum up slowly, when the pig's "stomach" was full, I changed the coins for the banknotes with my mom in order to forbid myself spend money wastely.
Last summer, I got the news that our country's western region is very poor, where the children have no money to buy books and their school is so tattered. The goverment appealed to the whole society to help them. I think a lot then I told my Dad I wanna to donate my pocket money our , a social force . The very next day, I took out my pocket money from a jar then send all money out at the post office. At night, I put the Lulu in my hands, although it's empty now, but I do not regret .I seemed to hear the pigs said to me: "You did right, I agree with you!"
I love you, my beloved "pig" piggy bank.
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