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40%的同学认为 60%的同学认为 你的观点
1. 有点荒诞,有时让人无法理解
2. 违背了汉语的规则,对学习无帮助
1. 幽默,使语言更生动
2. 有助于表达思想

      注意: 1. 荒诞ridiculous
                  2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
                  3. 词数100左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

     Recently our class has held a discussion on whether it's good for students to use Web Language in
writing compositions or communication.
     Recently our class has held a discussion on whether it's good for students to use Web Language in writing compositions or communication.      40% of the students are not in favor of the idea of using Web Language thinking it ridiculous to see or hear words which are not commonly used in our daily life. Worse still it's hard for them to make themselves understood. In their opinion it is against Chinese grammar and it's not beneficial to students' studies.      However the rest of the students are fond of it. They think what they say will sound humorous which makes the language more lively. Moreover it is of special help for them to express themselves freely.      In my opinion it is a phenomenon worth thinking about. I don't think it good to use Web Language. It may be fashionable as some think but you may also make your idea confusing leaving other people at a loss. 答案不唯一

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