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Dear Retailer:
I am writing to request a full refund of my tuition fee of $220 for
the extension course,"History of Macroeconomics" that began on
February 10th,2003.
As noted in the requirements of "Tuition Refund" section of the
University Student Manual,I have withdrawn from the course within
the six-week time limit.A copy of that withdrawal slip is attached.
Unfortunately,ill health has proscribed continuing my education at
this time.In support of this claim,I've attached a letter from my
physician,Dr.Holmes,where he notes that he has advised me to limit
my physical activities,and feels that my illness is such that I
should not continue traveling to the school at this time.
If you require any further information from me,feel free to contact
me at [address] or [phone number].I appreciate your prompt
attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the full
[Name] 亲爱的零售商:我写信要求我的220元学费的全额退款扩展的过程中,“宏观经济学”,开始对历史2003年2月10日.正如在“学费退还”的部分的要求大学学生手册,我退出了当然是在六个星期的时间限制.这方面的一个提款单附后.不幸的是,健康不良被禁继续我的教育这一次.在这项索赔的支持,我附上我的来信医生,霍姆斯博士,在那里他指出,他告诉我,以限制我的体力活动,并认为我的病就是这样,我旅行不应该继续在这个时候到学校.署名

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