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假设 你是大明的笔友tom,由于大明总是发短信和同学聊天,听音乐,他的家长对他的学习感到担心,因此没收了他的手机,他很伤心.请你根据大明的烦恼给他写一封短信,安慰一下他,谈谈你是怎样使用手机聊天的及你对中学生短信聊天的看法.提示词:send message,chat,ask.for,worry about,get..back,understand,try to do,for example,necessary,waste.这里是作文的开头给出
Dear Daming,
I'm very sorry to hear that your parents got back the mobile phone from you.请英语高手帮我写完,初二典中点上面的一片文章,不少于60词,,自己写,别复制别人了,好的追分50,给老师改完无错的+100分追分.
Dear Daming,
I'm very sorry to hear that your parents got back the mobile phone from you. I guess you must be very sad with it. but I think your parents just hope you can pay more attention to your study.
as a student, You can try to use the mobile in a proper way, we can use it for calling and send message when you need to contact or be contacted by your friends or your family.
It is not wrong to use the mobile to listen to the music or chat, while the time should be limited or you will waste a lot time on the useless issue. you can try to communicate with your parents to get it back, and spend less time on the message and listen to music. I am sure your parents will understand your situation and get your mobile phone back.

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