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Rural residential land reclamation is to solve the waste of rural residential land, poor living environment and the important measures to increase the area of cultivated land, but land management mode choice and land reclamation potential analysis and calculation is the foundation of the rural residential renovation plan.This study in chifeng city KaLaQinQi, for example, in the villages and towns, in the social and economic conditions and rural residential land, on the basis of investigation and analysis, through policy analysis, literature research on rural residential renovation related theory, policy and system analysis, and with the aid of on-the-spot investigation, statistical analysis and GIS, from the natural geographical conditions, social economic conditions and land use structure in zhejiang province were introduced from the aspects such as Wu Xing area, and the KaLaQinQi patterns of rural residential land regulation and control potential analysis and calculation, for towns of rural settlements renovation potential and potential coefficient.Will KaLaQinQi rural residential renovation mode is divided into the model of urbanization lead ZhongXinCun mode, construction type,www.wylunwen.com。Ace internal control and the model of the whole relocation, and the specific implementation of the management mode to the administrative villages.
Key words: rural residential renovation; Renovation potential; Management mode; KaLaQinQi; Land renovation plan

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