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The human geography environment mainly refers to social,political,the economical,the population,the culture geographical environment and so on.Politics geographical environment is the influence international trade most active factor,the war and peace environment is enormous to the world trade influence,former causes the belligerent country economy to receive the destruction,the trade stops,latter may provide the condition for the world economics rapid development.补充;The international trade activity is cannot leave the geographical environment,the geographical environment has the obvious influence to the international trade.The geographical environment divides into the environment and the human geography environment.The environment the latitude position,the sea land distribution,the terrain characteristic,the climatic conditions,the hydrology condition,the natural resource which locates including a country and the area and so on.These factors syntheses,all will have the significant influence to a national and the local long-term trade policy formation and the short-term trade act.The human geography environment mainly refers to social,political,the economical,the population,the culture geographical environment and so on.Politics geographical environment is the influence international trade most active factor,the war and peace environment is enormous to the world trade influence,former causes the belligerent country economy to receive the destruction,the trade stops,latter may provide the condition for the world economics rapid development.In brief,the geographical environment includes the content is extremely rich,it frequently from the different aspect,has the influence by the different way and at the same time the varying degree to the international trade,in world market competition day by day intense today,revealed in particular regarded the geographical environment to international trade influence profound and widespread.

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