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Dear Wang Qiang

How are you doing recently? Im writing to give you some suggestions on study and life. 


Different individuals are fitted for different ways to relieve pressure so you should try them yourself and find the effective ways that suit you most.


                                                                  Li Hua


Dear Wang Qiang

How are you doing recently? I’m writing to give you some suggestions on study and life. 

Firstly you can work out a schedule according to your ability and accomplish it efficiently. Don't do more work than you can handle which will make matters worse and make you tired. Remember that haste makes waste. Secondly you can go outdoors to breathe the fresh air and go for a walk to forget the troubles. Listening to your favorite music is a good way to relieve your pressure. Besides you can sing loudly to give vent to your negative emotions. Last but not least you can pour out your grievances to your best friends. I believe that they will become your faithful listeners and make you calm down.

In addition to the ways I mentioned above there are many other ways to relieve pressure such as physical exercising reading going hiking and so on.

Different individuals are fitted for different ways to relieve pressure so you should try them yourself and find the effective ways that suit you most.


                                                                  Li Hua


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