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学生在校园内使用手机的问题备受争议。下面表内是一些学生对使用手机的利弊的一些看法 请你以李华的名义用英文给某报社编辑写一封不少于120词的信 描述这些不同观点,并阐述你对此事的看法。






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Dear Editor

I’d like to tell you about the discussion whether we students should use cell phones at school. People have different attitudes towards the use of cell phones at school.____________________



                                                                                                                       Li Hua

Dear Editor        I’d like to tell you about the discussion whether we students should use cell phones at school. People have taken different attitudes towards the use of cell phones in school. Some people think that students can use cell phones at school because cell phones make our life much easier. It is convenient for us to communicate with our parents and friends. We can send or receive messages take photos enjoy music surf the Internet or even play games. We can call for help when we are in trouble. Cellphones can help us study as well. On the other hand many people think cell pones can be a disturbance and distractor in the classroom. Many students will play games on the phone even when they are in class or in bed which will have a side effect on their study and health. It is also too costly for the students.    In my opinion we can take cell phones to school if we can make good use of them. Yours                                                                                                                        Li Hua

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