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Dyatlov事件 这个事件是指1959年2月2日晚发生在乌拉尔山脉北部9位滑雪登山者死亡的事件.这个团队的队长叫做Dyatlov,他们在登“死亡之山”的东脊时发生事故,整队死亡.之后对此事的调查显示这些登山者的帐篷是打开的,他们在厚厚的雪上赤着脚,他们的尸体没有任何打斗的痕迹,其中一个颅骨断裂,两个肋骨断裂,一个舌头失踪,还有一些人被破烂的衣服包裹,而这些衣服又好像是从已死的人身上剪下来的.研究发现,死者的衣服含有很强烈的放射物,尽管这些放射物有可能是后来被添加进去的.但是没有任何证据显示相关涉及.一位调查的医生说三名死者的致命伤可能不是由人造成的,而是一种极端力量.迄今为止这种未知力量仍是个谜.
The Dyatlov incident generally refers to the mysterious deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural mountains on the night of February 2,1959.The group lead by Dyatlov ,they all dead by the accident when they landing the east ridge of "mountain of death" .Investigation at the time showed that the hikers tore open their tent from inside ,departing barefoot into heavy snow ,their corpses showed no signs of struggle ,one skull damage ,one tongue missing ,two chest fractures ,and some people were wrapped in tattered clothes ,however these clothes seems to be cut down from the body of the dead man .