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我出一道题给你们做,做得出来吗?以“my favorite season”为题写一篇作文
以“my favorite season”为题写一篇作文,不少于40个字(满40个字)至少三种句型.(不用写题目,上方已帮你写好)
My Favourite Season
My favourite season is autumn. It is a harvest season. Farmers are all busy getting in the crops. There are lots of different fruits in the season, such as apples, oranges, bananas and so on. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the Chinese traditional festival in autumn. People often have a big family dinner to celebrate it. The whole family have mooncakes and admire the full moon in the open air at night.
It is cool in autumn. So autumn is a good season to travel. National Day is on October 1. Lots of people go out for a trip during the holiday. We can learn a lot about the history of our country from the trip. I want to visit Beijing, the capital of China, with my parents this autumn. People also do many different kinds of sports in autumn. For example, children often fly kites in the park. The young like climbing the hills and having a camping trip at weekends. The old can go out for a walk and do some exercise.
There are many beautiful flowers in autumn. Chrysanthemums are the most popular. They have a sweet smell.
I like autumn best. What about you, my dear friend?
Spring is the first season of the year . In spring ,the weather is very warm, the sky is blue and the sun is very bright. We play football in spring. Spring is green everywhere, the birds spring in the trees.
Look! The bees are busy picking honey , the butterflies are dancing . How beautiful spring is! Spring is a poem. Spring is a song . I love spring.
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