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Over the past years I have had a keen interest in computers and electronic communications.I was self taught until I began to study information technology at Sixth Form College.I completed a GNVQ Information Technology at City of Westminster College.I am currently doing a BSc in Computer Communications & Networks at the Department of Computers and Telematics within the University of Westminster.I am doing this course to learn more in this field and to attain a high level qualification.I hope to go on to specialize in telecommunications at postgraduate level.I have worked at City University,where I had the task of authoring a set of web pages.The work that I did was not only published on the internet,but was also part of a display at the Barbican.Whilst on my placement I also had the opportunity to put together a multi media presentation.In my spare time I enjoy authoring in html,and have put together a number of pages.I have constructed a site for an American football team.I am learning how to program in Pascal and C++ at the moment,and have written a few simple programs independently.I am also investigating the Java language.I also enjoy maintaining my multi platform network at home.I have been a scout leader for a number of years now.This role is demanding and requires determination,but very rewarding.At college I was the Treasurer for the students union,and in previous year I was the Communications officer.As an executive officer I played a vital part in the union.I also play American football for the London Capitals.The team has a good record,and so far while with the team I have attained one national title,three conference titles,and two league titles.I recognise that there is a big future in computers and electronic communications,especially with the recent well publicised boom in multi media and the internet.I wish to be part of that future taking computers into new areas of life,helping people to raise the standard of living.
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