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关键词:薄壁梁 切应力 强度 应用
With the thin-walled beams project more and more applications, thin-walled beam deep into the various areas, with a small weight saving materials and so on. Studied mechanical shear stress, shear stress is mostly applied reciprocal theorem and its corollary (cross-section near the boundary of the shear stress and boundary parallel), first determine the direction of shear stress, shear stress values in the study. Determine the direction of shear stress in cross section are based on three: first, near the boundary of the shear stress and boundary parallel; second, the direction of shear stress must be consistent with the corresponding internal force; third shear stress direction, the size should be a continuous change of. Solid beam of shear stress on the most outer layer, most can be ignored, and the thin-walled beam on to die, engineering thin-walled beam cross-section of the shear stress show an important role.
Key words: thin-walled beamAbstract:
With the thin-walled beams project more and more applications, thin-walled beam deep into the various areas, with a small weight saving materials and so on. Studied mechanical shear stress, shear stress is mostly applied reciprocal theorem and its corollary (cross-section near the boundary of the shear stress and boundary parallel), first determine the direction of shear stress, shear stress values in the study. Determine the direction of shear stress in cross section are based on three: first, near the boundary of the shear stress and boundary parallel; second, the direction of shear stress must be consistent with the corresponding internal force; third shear stress direction, the size should be a continuous change of. Solid beam of shear stress on the most outer layer, most can be ignored, and the thin-walled beam on to die, engineering thin-walled beam cross-section of the shear stress show an important role.
Key words: thin-walled beam tangential stress intensity application
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