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1 in the eastern han dynasty, said to The Times, RuHe a blast demons, which have where is he who will get sick. And then a man called the young man to the landscape of the scholars, the teacher gave him a bottle of fairy wine, and let him in the blast demons appear that day, use it. Then blast demons appeared, he
Open the fairy wine, smoked dizzy blast demons and sword will it stabbed to death. From then on, at this time of the year, people will climb up, longevity age.
2, Jesus was born, the angels and told: "don't be afraid. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; for today in the town of David a savior has been born to you, which is Christ the Lord. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. That is the Christ. Therefore, every year on that day, people will celebrate the birth of Christ.
3, LuYiTe New Year's in November day, New Year's eve, DE LuYiTe people for young people to set team, wearing weird masks, carry carved turnip lamp, they walk on between villages. Legend that year the dead, and the soul would on Halloween on the eve of the world to visit, it is said that people should let the ghost of a visit to see the harvest of ghosts and present a wonderful meal. All fire and light, way in order to frighten away spirits, but also for the ghost light route, and guide him back.
4, Easter is the oldest of the most significant Christian festivals. Because it celebrates the resurrection of the Christ, all over the world celebrate all christians this festival.
5, legend in ancient times, a human and seven fairies and a call cowboy guy get married and have children. The heavenly queen mother after know very angry, will catch back to celestial fairy, and a Milky Way will both of them is separated, and just makes them every year, July 7 in the meet. Therefore, every year, July 7 is still young woman NvXiang of day for the meeting.
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