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His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king.他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王.
Our job is to supply raw materials.我们的任务是提供原料.
  Their strategy is to win the war with air power.他们的战略是靠空军致胜.
You can't rely on him.你不能相信他.
You can depend/count on my word.你可以信任我的话.
Children count/depend on their parents for food and clothes.小朋友的衣食要靠父母.
Lucy rides a blue bike.露西骑一辆蓝色自行车.
The man lands a job.那男的找到一份工作.
The teacher loses a chance.这老师失去了一个机会.
I gave John (him) the book.我把书给了约翰(他).
I bought John (him) the book.我给约翰(他)买书.
I asked John (him) the question.我问了约翰(他)这个问题.
I will have my hair cut.
I heard the song sung by sb in English.
They want their buildings constructed in a way to look unusual.
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