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请以Modern Industry为题,写一篇不少于150字的短文,要求包括下列个点:
Modern Industry
With the development of society,people's living mode has been changed tremendously.It is due to modern industry to some extent.Products of modern industry bring us a much more convenient daily life.More means of transport,more daily uses,more tools and more entertainments are provided to us,and can be chosen by us arbitrarily.
But every coin has two sides.Modern industry not only bring us a more convenient lift but also pollution of environment.In modern society,many factories pay much more attention to money and don't care the issue of pollution.Many animals died from pollution.And now,human being is threaten seriously by the issue.
I think that we must make a comprehensive regulation to solve the issue of pollution.People and company in the world must contribute their share.When we throw some products,we have to make out if they can't be recycled indeed.The productors of modern industry must reduce pollution to the greatest possible extent.After all,it is profitable to us in the long run.
Modern Industry
With the development of society, to some extent, people's living standard has been improved tremendously due to modern industry. Commodities of modern industry bring us a much more convenient daily life than ever before. More kinds of transportation, daily uses, tools and entertaining activities are offered and can be chosen by us according to our own desires.
But every coin has two sides. Modern industry not only makes our life much more convenient but also brings about environmental pollution. In modern society, many factories only cares about manufacturing budget while paying little attention to the issues of pollution. Many animals have been sicked or died from pollution, also we human beings are threatened deeply by this kind of issues.
I think that we must set up a comprehensive regulation to solve the issues of pollution. People and companies all around the world must strive to do their best to save the only planet we live on. When we discard some wastes, we should make them out if they can't be recycled completely. The managers of those modern industries must work out practical ideas so as to cut pollution to the lowest degree because it's the only way that benefits human beings in the long run.
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