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毕业论文摘要 翻译成英文

Study on the Internet Addiction of College Students Society
-- the typical cases
With the development of living standard and the and the popularity of the Internet, network and its derivative products into all aspects of people's lives. The emergence of the Internet has brought great convenience for people's work, study and life, but with the Internet resources gradually rich, also brought a series of negative effect. Like a double-edged sword, it provides them with information exchange platform and convenient, but also make many lack the self-control of college students indulging in the network, do not think of learning, no progress, lost self. Now college students has become a universal phenomenon, although the proportion of Internet addiction in college students in the Internet is not very high, but after some research discovery, the problem of Internet Addiction College students are showing a growing trend, the physical and mental development of students had a major impact, the problem of College Students Internet Addiction has become a hot issue of common concern, psychology clinical study of sociology, etc..
This paper mainly adopts the methods of analysis and literature research scale, behind the analysis from the personal, family, school, society, and the College Students Internet addiction phenomenon of sociological factors, for the treatment of Internet addiction patients, and prevention of this problem, and provide some opinions and suggestions.
大学生网络成瘾:Internet Addiction of College Students
社会工作:Social work
原因分析:Analysis of the causes of
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