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1 那件事你准备的怎样了?我已经准备好了,/ 我还差一点就准备好了
2 天气预报明天会下雨,所以我打算明天坐公交车上班,不骑摩托车了.
3 我没有想到 他是这种人.
4 我没有想到他会把事情 办的这么好 / 办的如此糟糕.
5 我没想到他会背叛你
6 他做了很多 对不起我们的事情,和伤害我们的事情,他到现在都不知道悔改.
7 这件事交给我,你就放心吧.我会出色完成的./ 会尽快完成的.
8 明天我就要离开这里了,今晚特地过来向你道别。
1 then how do you prepare?I'm ready,/ I'm nearly ready.
2 weather forecast it will rain tomorrow,so I'm going to take the bus to work tomorrow,don't ride a motorcycle.
3 I do not think he is such a person.
4 I don't think he will do so good / do so bad.
5 I didn't expect that he will betray you
6 and he made a lot of sorry our things,and hurt us,he don't know repentance.
7 this matter to me,you can rest assured.I will fulfil./ will be completed as soon as possible.
8 tomorrow I will leave here,tonight I came over to say goodbye to you.