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财产包括动产和不动产.英国 1968 年《盗窃罪法》第 15 条第 1 款中“财产”的概念类似于盗窃罪中“财产”概念.第 15 条第 2 款中“取得”意思是获得财产的所有权、占有权以及事实上的支配.只要满足了欺诈罪的构成要件,即使一个财产的所有者从该财产的占有者手中以欺骗的方式取得该财产也构成欺诈罪.例如,一个人将自己的汽车放在一家维修厂维修,为了不付修理费,该人谎称自己急于送妻子去医院而将车开走,此人构成第 15 条的欺诈罪.
英国 1968 年《盗窃罪法》第 15 条第 2 款规定:“所谓‘取得财产’是指对财产所有权、占有权的取得或事实上的支配,这种 ‘取得’包括行为人自己取得或使他人取得或维持.”因此,需要说明的是“取得财产”并不意味着犯罪嫌疑人事实上一定会取得财产,很可能其他人最终获得了财产.也就是说,欺诈罪中财产的获得可以是行为人自己获得,也可以因行为人的欺诈行为使第三人获得,犯罪嫌疑人仍然可能构成欺诈罪.
According to the above legislation, common law fraud requires that constitute the following conditions:
(A) must be a fraud
The so-called fraud is fraud, people can be caught in error, enhance or maintain the wrong behavior of the error. It usually presents fraud, false statement of fact intentionally, sometimes expressed as deliberately concealing the true situation. Fraud is a false meaning that even if the perpetrators think this statement is wrong, if in fact this statement is true, the perpetrator does not constitute the crime, although the perpetrator may be responsible for trying to fraud . For what is fraudulent misrepresentation, a subjective standard of English law, namely, to determine whether the knowing misrepresentation the falsity of the statement is not dependent on normal people should be aware of in a reasonable condition, but on how people actually understand the misrepresentation their statements. This fraud can be made by words or by behavior, may be express or implied. "But the perpetrator of the fraud does not include matters of no economic significance of the false statements or fraud in the audience does not exist the possibility of a general who carried out the boast."
(B) of the act to obtain property belonging to another person or property interests
Property, including movable and immovable property. United Kingdom 1968 "Theft Law" Article 15, paragraph 1, of "property" concept similar to the theft of "property" concept. Article 15, paragraph 2, "acquire" means the acquisition of property ownership, possession and the fact that domination. As long as elements of the crime of fraud, even if the owner of a property from the hands of the possession of the property obtained by deception the property also constitutes fraud. For example, a person will own a car on a repair shop for maintenance, in order not to pay the cost of repair, the person pretended to be eager to send his wife to the hospital and drive the truck away, who constitute the fraud section 15.
United Kingdom 1968 "Theft Law" Article 15, paragraph 2: "The so-called 'obtaining property' means property ownership, acquisition or possession de facto domination, this 'get', including the perpetrator to obtain or make their own others to obtain or maintain. "Therefore, a description is" obtaining property "does not mean the suspect will be a property of matter of fact, it is likely that other people end up the property. That is, the acquisition of property fraud perpetrator can be obtained yourself, who can also act of fraud by third party who obtained the suspect may still constitute fraud.
(C) a causal relationship
Fraud and obtaining property of another must have some causal relationship between. That made the fraud suspects obtained the property of others. Causal relationship has two meanings: First, fraud in the property achieved before. If fraud occurred in the property achieved lag, does not constitute fraud. For example, a person required in the gas station refueling After filling the tank, with the station staff said he was his boss, his car, the oil money should be added to his boss's account. The man was accused of fraud. But this allegation was canceled in the appeal, the judge considered the perpetrator of the fraud occurred after obtaining the property, thus constituting the United Kingdom in 1978, "Theft Act" in section 2 of the "theft" rather than "fraud" . The second is to prove that fraud is effective, the victim in fact cheated. If the victim does not rely on the false statements of criminal suspects, but to observe their own judgments, or other means, the error reached the same conclusion, not a causal relationship at this time.
(D) a deliberate fraud
Anglo-American criminal law requires the establishment of fraud requires that the perpetrator must be subjectively "intended (deliberate)" or "reckless (reckless)" of. United Kingdom 1968 "Theft Law" Article 15 requires that the perpetrator of fraud must have criminal intent subjective. Anglo-American criminal law fraud requirements of man's subjective and there must be dishonest with the intention of illegally depriving others of property rights. That is, if the perpetrator was aware of the fact that what he said is not true, the perpetrator is attributable to the.
United Kingdom 1968 "Theft Law" Article 15, paragraph 1: "to the intention of permanently depriving the other of property, dishonestly obtaining by deception method of property belonging to others, at ten years imprisonment."
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