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Ensure you follow all due process as required by Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria in order to hasten up the whole procedures of your fund transfer to your designated account.Bear in mind,that the Central Bank of Nigeria equally has an operational operandi (payment protocol) in line with international banking policy.So,you should adhere to avoid any delay which maybe detriment your fund transfer.
Once again,we hereby advise you to contact them via the above email address and make sure you forward to them all the necessary information which they may require from you prior to the release of your fund to you.All modalities have already been worked out and we will be monitoring all your dealings with the CBN’s governor in respect to your fund transfer.Thus,you have nothing to worry about as far as we,the FBI is concerned.
Henceforth,you should always update us as to enable us be on track with you and the Central Bank of Nigeria.Finally,we want you to contact them immediately via the above email address so as to enable them attend to your case accordingly without any further delay as time is already running out.Should you need more information(s) in regard to this notification,feel free to get back to us on this email address so that we can put you through and as well guide you during and after your successful actualization of this project.
Thank you very much for your anticipated co-operation in advance as we earnestly await your urgent response regards to this matter.
Best Regards,
James B.Comey,Jr
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J.Edgar Hoover Building.
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington,D.C.
别管这封信,是假的.这就是那个著名的Nigerian Letter(尼日利亚诈骗信),只是打着FBI的旗号而已.以后收到尼日利亚的、叫你汇钱的信都别理