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一篇食谱翻译为英文。水煮活鱼: 用料:鱼2斤, 红干辣椒叁两,花椒粒半碗, 大蒜瓣十粒,姜一块,少许葱花,盐少许,鸡蛋清半个,淀粉少许,葵花籽油三两,辣椒油2两,一条黄瓜和黄豆芽。 步骤1、把鱼清洗干净。 2、沿着鱼骨剔出鱼肉,用刀斜着把鱼片成半公分厚的鱼片。 3、将鱼片放到盘子里,加上蛋清、盐、淀粉用手抓匀,大蒜切成蒜米待用,干辣椒剪成段,酸菜、姜也切细待用。 4、把油倒入锅中烧热,爆炒姜、蒜、红辣椒、花椒,将鱼骨煎一下。把切好的黄瓜和黄豆芽也倒入锅中。 5、放入鱼片,加少许的盐和味精。冒泡后盛出。
Boiled fish: Ingredients: 2 kg of fish, red chili triplet two peppercorns bowl, 10 large garlic, ginger piece, a little chopped green onion, salt a little, half egg, a little starch, sunflower oil 32, chili oil 2 2 , a cucumber and sprout. Step 1, the fish in clean water. 2, along the excised bone fish meat with a knife at an angle to fish fillets into half-centimeter thick. 3, the fish on the plate, with egg white, salt, starch, grasping evenly with garlic garlic cut into standby, dried red pepper cut into paragraphs, sauerkraut, chopped ginger is also inactive. 4 Heat the oil into the pan, saute ginger, garlic, red pepper, pepper, fried fish bones look. The chopped cucumber and bean sprouts are dumped into the pot. 5, into the fish, add a little salt and MSG. Sheng out after bubbling.
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