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英译汉:6:When desigaing a stracture,the designer must estimate all the forces acting on the structyre and its component parts.
7:the advantages of skyscrapers are that the whole of a large compacry's staff can be housed together,with obvious gains in efficiency.
8:the Quality Department is a special agency for it is controlled by not only Project Management but also the Headqu**ters of the company
1: The use of reinforced concrete is currently the most widely used structural materials .
2: one or many buildings without hills or plains, just need a good ruler can be accurately measured.
3: Indirect costs include staff salaries, office expenses, cost of living resident, worker transportation fees, taxes, bank guarantee costs and insurance.
4: first, building codes provide that type, it requires all the provisions of the building materials are used, according to the methods provided to construction.
5: people only need to look at the instrument readings to tell his assistant, the latter calculated by the difference between the two readings, multiplied by 100 to get a read point distance.
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