早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.At what age do children go to school?
2.Do children get any pre-school education?
3.How many subjects does a school offer?
4.If pupils talk or make trouble in class,are they likely to be punished by teachers?
5.Do children have to take exams?
People go to kindergarden at the age of 2,3 or 4.Children then go to pre-school at the age of 5 or 6.They they go to first grade at the age of 7.
Sometimes.Children who go to American schools or English schools will get pre-school education.Some chinese local shcools have pre-school education while some doesn't have them.
Chinese local schools may offer 15 subjects while in English and American schools they offer a little bit less than Chinese local schools,they offer 14 subjects.
It depends.In my International school (Dulwich College Beijing),pupil who talk once or twice in class will only get a warning and then the teacher carries on with the whole class.But if the pupil tals or make trouble in the class for 3 or 4 times they will be sent to the head master's office.
5.We take exams.Every school takes exams.Exept for that in Chinese Local Schools they have a lot more exams that we do in International schools.
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