早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.My Spring Festival(过去式、将来时)2.My plan for the New Term(将来时) 不能写的太少,可以写的就写,两篇能答好就采纳!
1.My Spring Festival
Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China.I was very happy during the Spring Festival.Before Spring Festival,My grandmother,mother and father cleaned and decorated our houses.And they went to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.They also bought new clothes for me and my sisters.
On the eve of the Spring Festival,my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors.My families got together and had a big meal at home.We had chatting each other.We had chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as.And we ate dumplings and watch the Spring Festival party on television.During Spring Festival,my parents gave us lucky money.I and my sisters played the fireworks in the open air.We had many fireworks.They were very beautiful.They run into the sky and broke into pieces.They looked like flowers in the sky.We were very happy and excited.After that,I made a wish.I hoped that that we could have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family could be happy.
During the Spring Festival,we visited relatives and friends with the words “Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!”
I love Spring Festival and enjoy it very happy.
2.My plan for the New Term
New term is coming,all things have changed,but one thing I have never forgot,which is studying studying and studying.Next term,I will went the senior school,so I must do a good job in entrance exam of senior school.As these reason,I plan a design for my study.
  The first thing,I will never waste my time again,you know Franklin said :"Never leave that until tomorrow,which you can do today." I will do it as good as Words of Franklin.
  The second,I will ask more questions which is a puzzle for me.Because of these things can let me understand all of knowledge in book very well.
  The third,I will do more execrises.For example,English,Maths,Chinese and so on.
  To sum up,time is too improtant to let me get a good performance,so action is only one thing I can do!I will action more,less talking.
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