早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Scene- 5 students (Stanley, Stephen, Bob, Jessica, Jenny, Casey) having lunch during a break.

Jenny: Do you think internet is good for students?

Stanley: I think so. It’s very important for me especially in searching information. You can almost find any types of data that you are looking for.

Bob: I agree with you. I couldn’t complete my thesis without information from internet. It’s the easiest way to get data from there rather than to read books from library.

Jessica: I partially agree with you. I have a friend who is so addicted to computer games in internet and caused him neglecting his study. He has become a college dropout now.

Casey: Oh my god, I don’t want to end up like him. I cant imagine it if i get kick out from school. He is very poor.

Stephen: I feel sorry for your friend. However, your friend has misused internet. I also play computer games using internet, but I know the way to manage my time without neglecting my study.

Bob: Yes, totally agree. Playing computer games is one of my hobbies during leisure time. It can help to release my pressure.

Stephen: There are pros and cons of internet. It plays an important role in communication such as emailing and chit-chatting. I can even communicate with my pen-pals in Australia and Hong Kong. It’s the fastest and cheapest way to use internet rather than calling using phone.

Jessica: Although I don’t like to email or chit-chat through internet, I love to surf the internet and buy things using internet. It’s very convenient that I don’t need to go abroad but I can get what I want from other countries.

Stanley: Me too. But we need to beware of virus threat. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks. They can end up into crashing your whole hard disk causing you to lose your data.

Jenny: Yes, you’re correct. I understand. From what you state, I think using internet is good but as long as it doesn’t affect our studies.
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