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假如你是李明,去年夏天你去北京度假,参观过许多地方.请根据以下提示,以My Vacation 为题,写一篇70词左右的短文.
内容包括:1,旅游景点(the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,Tian anmen Square,Beijing Hutong).
My vacation
Last Summer,me and my family went to Beijing,it was amazing!The first place i went to visit is the Tiananmen Square,the place was crowded,but i felt amazed,looking at the portrait of Mao Zedong,the leader of china i can feel all the hard work he had done for us.After the Tiananmen Square,i went to the Palace Museum.Looking at those stunning structures,how they are so detailed.I was shocked,even through some colours had washed off i still can feel how it was like long time ago.I imagined that was the emperor walking around the beautiful gardens with my two servants beside me and the blue sky and the warm sun shines down from above.
The following day,i went to the Great Wall,when was up high the fresh air had awaken me.I looked down from the walls i can see the long Great Wall stretching for miles and miles on the steep mountains.Then in the sunny afternoon i went to the Hutong,there was a lot of snacks and they were delicious.
The whole trip was amazing,i wish i can visit to Beijing again soon!