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“洛杉矶,JAJIA STARS品牌的创作之源.被人们誉为地球上最快乐的地方——加州迪士尼乐园;全球最著名的影视娱乐和旅游热门景点好莱坞;世界上最为富有的艺术机构之一盖提艺术中心等等,注定了洛杉矶是世界艺术的殿堂!文化名城成就了JAJIA STARS的设计理念.”翻译成英文,一定要正确哦!
Los Angeles is the source of the creation of brand JAJIA STARS.The Disney land,California is known as the happiest place on earth; Hollywood is the most famous studio entertainment and most popular tourist attraction in the world; one of the world's richest art institutions is the Getty Center,all of the above predestines Los Angeles to be the worldclass palace in art!The cultural achievements of this city fosters the design concept of JAJIA STARS.