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Fast food restaurants have made some Americans rich.It's been more than 30 years since the first McDonald's opened,and this nation's eating habits have been transformed by fast food.Today,we spend over $50,000,000,000 a year on Whopper's Big Macs and the Colonel's Fried Chicken.The key is convenience.The ignored factor is nutrition.That's something Michael Jacobson cares about.He's written a Fast Food Guide to tell consumers what's under the bun.As far as hamburgers go,Jacobson says one chain's burger is as good nutritional as the next.
"Each chain has a variety of hamburgers:singles,doubles,triples; in some restaurants,cheeseburger,baconburger,mushroom burgers,and generally,when they start gussying up the hamburger with the toppings,you're going to get more fat,more salt,and less nutritious product."
"So you think you shouldn't be so concerned with which chain it is you're eating at as far as the burger,but rather whether you're getting the simple,naked burger,or the burger with all the fillings on it.That's where a lot of the fat comes in."
"For instance,at Wendy's,you can just get a regular little hamburger,which has about 4 teaspoons of fat,or you can get then triple cheeseburger with 15 teaspoons of fat,and that's a tremendous difference.I think the message for hamburgers and many other fast foods is to keep it simple,keep it small."
"Is the meat that's used in most of these chains fattier than what I'd buy if I went to the butcher and bought meat?"
"We actually had these meats analyzed,and we found they were pretty average.It was an ordinary grade hamburger meat for most of the chains.You can get much leaner meat at the grocery store,or if you get ground round.If you want red meat and you want to eat at a fast food restaurant,I recommend going for the roast beef.All roast beef was leaner than all hamburger meat in the tests we conducted."
"Now this does differ from chain to chain because,for instance,the Roy Roger's roast beef,you have listed as having 2% fat whereas Arby's roast beef,13%."
"The differences in roast beef are really remarkable.Arby's and Hardy's have 7 times as much fat as Roy Roger's.Also,Roy Roger's had real roast beef,whereas Arby's has kind of a composite roast beef,where the beef is chipped and scrunched together with sodium phosphate and other chemicals."
"It is impossible now to watch TV without seeing commercials for chicken nuggets from one chain or another.What are chicken nuggets made out of?"
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