早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1.    中国美食历史悠久,蜚声国际;

2.    中国美食食材丰富,制作精良;

3.    中国美食的主要组成部分;


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  Recently the documentary A Bite of China was shown on CCTV. Shortly after it was broadcast it quickly swept the Chinese cyberspace. The programme not only exhibits various Chinese food but also offers insights into philosophy and social changes.

  Recently the documentary A Bite of China was shown on CCTV. Shortly after it was broadcast it quickly swept the Chinese cyberspace. The programme nol only exhibits vari?ous Chinese food but also offers insights into philosophy and social changes.  As is widely acknowledged Chinese food has a long his?tory and is received internationally. Eating is a highly impor?tant culture. With several thousand of years of creative ef?forts the intelligent and hardworking Chinese people have been able to employ an endless variety of natural ingredients and cooking methods in making Chinese food which may well account for the universal popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese food overseas. A meal in China often consists of main food―typically rice or noodles-—and accompanying di?shes such as vegetables meat and fish. As for the cooking methods the Chinese people usually use frying baking and boiling.  As a saying goes " You are what you eat."In my opin?ion food is always connected with people reflecting their different living situations and attitudes. Besides many Chi?nese people value the time when family and friends can get to?gether communicating and sharing food.
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