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成事在人英语影评要掉翻译的··· 不要太难的那种要很简单的那种~~叙述下故事·讲讲评价就好··要快的啊
Invictus (the title is Latin for "unconquered") opens with the 1994 ascension of Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) to the presidency of South Africa.With apartheid officially ended,Mandela must work to achieve harmony through unification.Some of his methods are unconventional,such as pushing for the South African rugby team,the Springboks,to win the 1995 World Cup,which is being hosted in South Africa.Led by tough-as-nails player Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon),the team competes far better than expected and the players learn not only tolerance but how to become heroes and role models for both white and black South Africans.
It is a very good film.It has moments evoking great emotion,as when the black and white members of the presidential security detail (hard-line ANC activists and Afrikaner cops) agree with excruciating difficulty to serve together.And when Damon's character -- Francois Pienaar,as the team captain -- is shown the cell where Mandela was held for those long years on Robben Island.My wife,Chaz,and I were taken to the island early one morning by Ahmed Kathrada,one of Mandela's fellow prisoners,and yes,the movie shows his very cell,with the thin blankets on the floor.You regard that cell and you think,here a great man waited in faith for his rendezvous with history.
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