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Rosa喜欢电影Just My Luck,另两位就觉得那电影很一般.
人物:Simon Rosa ,David
地点:in a coffee shop.
Simon,Rosa and David are chatting and drinking in a coffee shop.
Simon:hi,Rosa,any good movies recently?
Rosa:Oh,I saw “Just My Luck” last night.It was pretty cool.
David:It is boring.
Simon:I saw it too.Well,I think it is just ok maybe I am not a big fan of comedies.
Rosa:I think I like guys like Jake.He works a minimum-wage job,and everything that can go wrong does go wrong for him.Though this bad luck follows him everywhere he goes,he still retains a cheery outlook on life and has aspirations to become a successful band manager.
David:Rosa,i was asleep in the movie theater almost the whole time.
Rosa:next time don't ask me to date with you.
Simon:I understand what you are saying.But that is just a movie.Sometimes you work hard all your life and your luck has never come.
Rosa:well,at least he is still positive about life.I am annoyed by those who just whine like a baby.Jake is a real man in my eye.
Simon:How about me?Am I that bad in your eye?
David:and me,too.We are much better than Jake.
Rosa:well,you are a nice friend to have with while Jake is my idol,my inspiration.Chris Pine (plays Jake) is very charming.Wish I could be as lucky as Ashley to meet a guy like Jake.
Simon:you will.Actually,you have met one already.He is sitting right in front of you.Ha ha……
Rosa:You guys really want me to move to another table?
David:no no,we are just kidding.Jake is charming.Jake is so hardworking.Jake is so nice.
Oh,my god,where can you find such a charming perfect guy?Where?
Rosa:I have no idea.But at least Jake is a role model.
Simon:whatevr.who cares!I will see an action movie tomorrow.
David:I'll go with you.
Rosa:whatever.Who cares!
the end
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