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He is not afraid to suffer hardships ,can neither having general ocean cart driver forgives but inconvenient the bad habit following ,his cleverness and the aspiration making great efforts to be enough to use him come true.Or suppose his environment is good a few,be accepting education much,he definitely can not fall to "rubber regiment " (1) li,and disregarding being what to do,he has at least won't fail to live up to his chance.Unfortunately,he must pull a rickshaw; He is also testify out his ability and OK,clever within this job.As if he can assume the good ghost as if even if within hell.Have grown in the province in the countryside ,have lost the meagre with several mus field of parents,the eighteen-year-old moment just runs come to inside the city.The foot being bringing the province in the countryside young fellow along is strong and honest,- any had done nearly completely in order to exerting oneself to the utmost being therefore likely to eat waiting upon him.He finds out but,right away before long ,pulls cart being piece of easier to earn money thing; Assuming other hard labour ,invisible income is limited; Pull cart many a little change and chance,do not know when to only be capable to do the reward coming across what a few Duoyu hope with the place.Natural world ,he also know that such opportunity is no completely out of sympathy,but person and capital of vehicle get the beautiful spirit be obliged to,have a goods but sell ability coming across the people who is able to tell good from bad.Thought of,he believes that self has that qualification:He has physical strength ,age to be making light of; What be dispatched has been that he does not run ,does not dare pull beautiful cart as soon as beginning and.This is not the difficulty being able to not surpass but ,the body and physical strength having him doing a basis,the ten day is semimonthly as long as he testing ,can run such that having appearance right away definitely ,go to rent the new vehicle and then ,is therefore likely to get a chartered car involved indefinitely very quickly,eating sparingly and spending frugally is 3 years and then even for 2 years for 1 year,he surely is able to lathe ,gore beautiful vehicle since self previous!Muscle being looking at self youth,he believes this is only the time problem ,this is to surely be able to achieve one voluntarily comparing with purpose ,is a fond dream by no means!
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