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Everyone lived a different life from their different choices,we cast our choices in life.
Life we are always faced with the choice of many,many people are afraid to choose,"All roads lead to Rome" Sometimes it feels flawless,because they do not know how to make a choice,not sure their choice is correct,so they preferred to only one way,even if this road is very rough.Life will never be like the multiple-choice questions on the multiple-choice examination paper,as there will always be a correct answer,we can not predict things too much,who do not know what the next step we will encounter.The way for the future,we can only through the analysis of the present and the past concluded that the direction of a rough estimate.Planning towards their direction,
Do not have to measure the advantages and disadvantages of the month,we also do not measure up.It makes no difference whether the final results and our expectations have not regretted their choice of half-way,once made a choice,it is necessary to trials and hardships,progress towards the target to be met,do not think so if they do not initially choose how this will happen type of problem,life is not so much if at all.
看了 英语翻译每个人都过着不同的生...的网友还看了以下:

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