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1 hope the sea be in smooth water,often have strong winds and storms.Hope rivers flowing,but often a vortex and jet,hope and happiness in your life,but often there is sorrow and grief.The 2 angel wings broken,fall to the world,into our sorrow; the integrity of the capsule left,scattered into the world,Satan has become a magic wand.3 under the failures and setbacks,I learned perseverance; when subjected to the misunderstanding and grievance,I learned tolerance; after the loss and departure,I know the value of.4 is not worried too much,but we don't understand life; not happiness too little,we just don't understand grasp.5 money can buy expensive watch,but can't buy valuable time; money can buy delicious food,but can not buy a good appetite.6 is a cluster of chrysanthemum,also want to smell; is an autumn leaf,also want to decorate the earth; is a Cooper,also want to hold up the sky; is a ancient well,also want to water from.The 7 book is medicine,Liu said:" the book is also still drugs,good reading may cure foolishness "; the book is friend,Zang Kejia said:" read a book,like a friend "; the book is a window,Golgi said:" every book,all in front of me open the door the window ".The 8 belief in people,and wings are to a bird,faith is the wings to fly.9 love is a shining in the winter sunshine,it makes the person suffering from both poverty and sickness is felt the warmth of the world; love is a clear spring water in the desert,it is so desperate to see the hope of life.10 success is the red rose,you dream of,frustration is that throughout the surrounding acupuncture.Happiness is your hard work to obtain fruit,sad is that mature before the blighted grain.11 the sky clouds accept every one,regardless of beauty and ugliness,so broad boundless sky.The earth embrace every inch of land,regardless of their wealth,so the vast.Marine accept each river,regardless of their size,so the ocean vast.12 when Jane love said:" we are equal,I am not a heartless machine ",I understand that as a woman 's self-esteem; when Petfi said:" if it is for freedom,they can throw ",I know as a human value; when Lu Xun said:" don't break out in silence,just death " in the silence,I know one should have the spirit of rebellion; when browning said:"take away love,the world will become a tomb ",I understand the dedication of love for others is important.13 buildings stand as firm as a rock,because there is a strong pillar,pillar of ideal and belief is the life of the building; the ship ploughed through the waves,because of that indicates the direction of the compass,ideal and belief is the life the ship's compass; train run thousands of miles,because there is a guide rail,ideal and belief is the life on the train tracks.14 what is happiness?Happiness is the orchard fruit looked at the pressure over the branches of the fruit with pleasure,happiness is the classroom students look forward to the future of a touching smile,happiness is the laboratory scientists have found new stretch eyebrows,happiness is the podium player looking at the flag rising jade-like stone jade-like stone of tears.Happiness is the crystallization of hard struggle,the monument.15 without bumpy muddy difficult,how can know the value of sunshine Avenue; not through a snowstorm is raging.Night,how can experience the lovely weather; not experienced setbacks and tribulations of test,can realize the joy of victory and success.Tomorrow,want to say hate you is not easy ......16 happiness,always around you.If you are from the mother took the bowl,be warm,that is happiness; if you read a letter from a friend,in the light taste of friendship,that is happiness; if you are sitting in a corner,quietly listening to music,he thought,that is happiness.Some people say,happiness is a star hotel Lishanzhen seafood the toast each other; some people say,happiness is the high-grade stage hall melody in the rise and dance in a happy mood; some people say,happiness is the end Audi,BMW car in the street swagger through the streets flow reviews; others say,happiness is to stay in the room a few hundred dollars bills stacked; however,I have to say:with these,is not necessarily true happiness!17 away birds,the eternal care is therefore forest; drifting boat,always thinking is harbor; rush travelers,whether it is a night or away from their homes by the heart,always miss,have all kinds of connections with the place,or home.18 life is like a mountain,it's not level,but is beautiful; life is like a rain,important is not its size,but in time.19 to be put into a cup of the new spring,you have to throw away the old water; to obtain a rose,you must give up the hand of rose; to take a more unique experience,you will have more of a psychological trauma.20 the wind from the water through,leaving the corrugated; the sun through the clouds,leaving its temperature 濂戒簡 搴旇?灏辨槸杩欏惂
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